Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A little bit about “Design Mommy”

Adventures in Making will always be “Design Mommy” in my head, and it will always be spoken in the voice of Rachel B. It all started long ago (I am an older sister and programmed to give my opinion) but what you really need to hear about is the seedling. I apologize for all the personal pronouns- but until this site it launched it's just an idea in my head. It is y'all who will make it great.

I was an avid critic in my design courses. I don’t think everyone appreciated it. I always got the most excited about projects that had obvious merit and just needed a little tweak. Outside of school I worked in jobs that would allow me to interact with people and give suggestions. I preferred creative outlets - fabric and paper stores for instance.

Finally, I was called “Design Mommy” by coworkers at my design job because of my willingness to give criticism and advice.

All of this implies I’m pretty perfect.

Well, here’s the secret. Every time someone asked me a question, it was like a puzzle. They had the pieces, and all I had to do was put them together properly. They did most of the work, and all I had to do was a little creative thinking, research, or opinion giving. (It’s cheating really.)

The best part: I learned a little something. I got a little inspired.


When I left my job about a year ago, I immediately missed the day-to-day interactions with creative people of all sorts. It’s easy to sit at home doing freelance and independent projects and forget that you need that daily infusion of outside help and inspiration. It’s easy to get stuck on those projects and end up with something you really don’t like.

So I came up with the idea of a blog community filled with all kinds of creative minds who are willing to look things over and address challenges while inspiring and supporting each other. Each time we help each other we are helping ourselves become more rounded and more inventive.

This blog is an experiment, but I have a feeling it could be great.

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